
Is It Safe To Get Teeth In A Day?

Posted by PCE DENTAL IMPLANT CENTER Apr 05, 2021

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A lot of dental implant offices advertise “teeth in a day” and “same day dental implants.” And although teeth in a day can be an exceptional treatment, there are some things to keep in mind. Especially when it comes to something as highly detailed as dental implant therapy.

Unfortunately, some dental implant Conroe providers may rush the process to quickly place implants as fast as possible. And if the implants aren’t integrated correctly, placing biting pressure on them immediately could cause the entire treatment to fail. You wouldn’t want to extract a tooth, place an implant on the same day, and then immediately load a porcelain crown onto it. However, there are safe — and proven — techniques that allow our doctors at PCE to provide a type of teeth in a day treatment, known as TeethXpress.

A Safer Alternative

With TeethXpress in The Woodlands and a specialist on your side, you can safely replace all of your teeth at the same time. TeethXpress uses a special type of approach (similar to “All on 4” implants) to restore an entire arch of teeth with strategically placed implants. Thanks to the way those implants are positioned and installed, it’s possible for them to fully support a fixed, hybrid appliance that replaces all of your teeth in that arch (upper or lower).

The key to the success of a TeethXpress experience is well-thought-out and detailed planning. Absolutely nothing is rushed! Our goal is to prevent you from ever having to go about with missing teeth, even if you require extractions before the dental implants are installed. Our doctors at PCE use 3D scanning to evaluate your bone and oral anatomy from every angle, not just two-dimensionally with traditional X-rays. With this added perspective, we can rule out preventable issues that would otherwise jeopardize the success of your implant treatment.

A Combination of Experience and Technique

Anyone considering dental implants in The Woodlands will want to choose the best implant technique as well as an experienced provider. Working with a specialist ensures you have years of experience and higher-level training to back up the care you’re receiving. Our doctors at PCE place hundreds of dental implants per year, ensuring each patient is provided with the best type of treatment for their specific needs. Including same day dental implants.

When you choose us for TeethXpress, we’ll carefully screen you to determine if you qualify. From there, a series of scans and photographs are taken. Our doctors at PCE will discuss the advantages of different implant solutions and whether or not it’s possible to preserve any of your remaining natural teeth. We’ll work as a team to map out the best treatment and desired timeline for your smile reconstruction.

Don’t Rush It

If teeth in a day sound too good to be true, they probably are. But partnering with our top dental implant specialist for a TeethXpress treatment can be safe, effective, and rewarding. Contact our office in The Woodlands to learn more about full-arch teeth in a day treatment.

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