
Why You Might be Snoring More

Posted by PCE DENTAL IMPLANT CENTER Sep 01, 2022

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Does your family, roommate, or spouse complain about your snoring? Or is it maybe the other way around? There are several different reasons why people snore and they can change from time to time. If chronic snoring is becoming problematic to your household, here are some risk factors you’ll want to rule out:

Seasonal Allergies
Do you tend to get seasonal hay fever? Do your sinuses flare up and your eyes water every time you’re around pine trees? In The Woodlands, there’s no avoiding the yellow pine pollen year-round. As your immune system flares up, you’ll also experience enlarged or swollen lymph nodes, sinus congestion, and inflammation. When you do, it can slightly impair your airway and cause blockage in the back of your throat, providing a larger surface area for vibration (snoring) to occur while you sleep.

Large Tonsils
Some people have naturally larger tonsils than others. Maybe you tend to get a sore throat or strep throat frequently. If you haven’t had your tonsils removed and they’re always swollen, they will naturally take up more space in your upper airway. Once you go to sleep at night, the soft tissues at the back of your throat can vibrate against or between your tonsils, causing loud snoring to occur.

Weight Gain
Let’s face it. A lot of us put on a few pounds during the pandemic lockdown. When we’re not getting out and about as often, the tiny lifestyle changes can cause us to gain a little weight as the weeks and months go by. If you have a slightly elevated BMI or a large neck circumference, you’re at a statistically higher risk of snoring and sleep apnea. Since tissue obstruction can physically cause snoring and air restriction, weight gain is a definite risk factor for a lot of people in The Woodlands.

Alcohol Intake
Do you enjoy a good nightcap? Do you treat yourself to an amazing glass (or two) of wine on Friday night? Alcohol physically “depresses” or relaxes our muscles, which is why so many people use it to wind down after a hard week. But it can also impact the way your body functions while you’re sleeping, particularly in your upper airway. With ultra-relaxed tissues in the back of your mouth, you’re statistically more likely to snore after drinking alcohol than if you hadn’t had any at all.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Certain types of sleeping disorders can cause snoring, but not all of them. Obstructive sleep apnea is one example, as it’s caused by airway restriction and blockage near the back of the throat.

Laser Snoring Treatment
Depending on the cause of your snoring or sleeping disorder, non-CPAP therapy options are available! By treating enlarged soft tissues with a special type of laser, we can naturally tighten and shrink the skin that vibrates and causes snoring in the back of your throat.

If you struggle with chronic snoring, request a NightLase consultation with our laser dentistry specialist. New patient appointments are now available!

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